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Motorcycle Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions
Motorcycle Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions

Motorcycle Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions, together with the Rental Agreement, constitute the motorcycle rental service agreement (“Agreement”) by and between the Renter (herein Called “Renter”) and Rentalbike.hk Limited (herein Called “Company”) with respect to the use of Vehicle identified on the Applicable Rental Agreement.


“Rental Agreement” is the document with details of the Renter, drivers, said vehicle and motorcycle rental service which provided by the Company to Renter before the rental starts.

“Agreement” has the meaning set forth in the preamble herein.

“Said Vehicle” is the vehicle that Renter reserves through the booking platform under this rental and drives pursuant to this Agreement.

“Motorcycle rental period” means the period of time between the time the Company makes the said Vehicle available to Renter and the time when Renter is obligated to return possession of the said vehicle to the Company.

Thereof the Renter acknowledges and agrees :

1. Renter’s Obligation.

1.1 Renter should ensure that said vehicle shall NOT be operated;

To transport goods in violation of custom regulations or in any other illegal manner,

To propel or tow any vehicle or trailer,

In motor sport events, 

By any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs,

Outside of Hong Kong,

Vehicle operated only by Renter only, & driver must fulfil either of the following ; 

2. Driving License & Minimum Age Requirement.

2.1. For Hong Kong Resident : Hold Hong Kong identity card, and held a Hong Kong Driving Licence for over 5-years. Renter should upload clear and acceptable images of Hong Kong identity card and valid driving license. If the Hong Kong Driving License is unable to show that renter has held a valid license for over 5-years, other proof is required. Driver’s minimum age requirement: 30-years old.

2.2. For Customers from Overseas : Hold a valid passport. The driver’s Passport must show the immigration date to Hong Kong and visitor landing slip from the Hong Kong immigration department, and hold Overseas Driving Licence for over 5-years (or attached with a valid International Driving Licence if the Overseas Driving Licence is not in English) and driver should provide documentation as proof of address. Driver’s minimum age requirement: 30-years old.

3. Renter further Acknowledges and Agrees. 

3.1. That to the best of his knowledge and belief no one who will drive the vehicle suffers from any physical infirmity or uncorrected defective vision or hearing.

3.2. That he will declare to the Company before taking the vehicle, if renter has ; 

3.2.1. Been convicted within the past 5 years of any offence in connection with any motor vehicle driving activity.

3.2.2. It is Renter’s responsibility to inspect the said Vehicle for damage when picking up the said vehicle. This includes any scratches, dents, or scuffs on the exterior of the said vehicle. If damage is discovered after return of the said vehicle and none was reported at the time of picking up the said vehicle, Renter will be held liable for any and all damage and indicative cost of replacement parts & labour charges. 

3.2.3. Any vehicle repairs, replacement parts and labour rates will charged to renter at the recommended retail price as stipulated by Company. Company reserves the right to estimate and value the costs of all vehicle repairs, replacement parts and labour as required. 

3.2.4. Renter should comply with all the terms and conditions in this Agreement. If Renter fails to comply with any of the terms, Renter might not be covered by Company’s insurance policy and Renter will need to indemnify the Company against all claims or liability arising in the event of any accident during the motorcycle rental period and any repair charge incurred.

4. Payment & Penalty.

4.1. Rental Charge, damage and theft insurance deductible and miscellaneous charges at the rates specified in this rental. 

4.1.1. Renter agrees to provide credit card in renters name to pre-authorize rental security deposit as stipulated in rental security deposit rates. Pre-authorization transactions to be made upon motorcycle pick-up and in-store. 

4.2. The renter shall not engage in any illegal activities with the vehicle and must abide by all traffic laws. 

4.2.1. Renter must bear all legal responsibilities and traffic violations during above rental period. 

4.2.2. Once any traffic violation notice is received for the above rental period, such as illegal parking, speeding, tunnel rushing and traffic lights, etc., the renter shall pay all related violation fines. 

4.2.3. If the renter fails to pay any fine within 21 days and the Company receives a police fine payment notice, or the Company receives a notice requesting the driver’s identity details, an additional handling fee of HK$200 per ticket plus the original penalty amount will be charged. 

4.2.4. The renters’ security deposit will also be temporarily with-held until it is confirmed that the traffic violation has been resolved and the relevant fines and liabilities are paid. If said vehicle is towed by the police due to illegal parking by the renter, the renter shall bear all costs. 

4.3. Company’s costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees where permitted by law, incurred collecting payments due from Renter hereunder;

4.3.1. Company’s cost to repair collision or upset damages to said vehicle provided, however, if said vehicle is operated in accordance with all the terms hereof, Renter’s liability for such damage shall not exceed the deductible of said vehicle.

4.4. Renter receives said vehicle in good order and condition and acknowledges liability for cost of all fuel consumed during rental. A half tank or full tank is provided and must be refilled at Renter’s expense on return. Otherwise there will be charge to renter, at price per litre of fuel at Company stipulated rates, plus a refueling surcharge of HK$200.

4.5. Renter authorizes the Company to place a hold on Renter’s credit card for the security deposit and insurance deductible for respective rented vehicle by providing the credit card information as requested by Company and signing the authorization form. 

4.6. 100% of the rental fee already paid by the Renter by credit card will be forfeited if Company identify that Renter does not fulfil the requirement of motorcycle rental as stated in clause 2 in this Terms & Conditions during motorcycle pick up.

4.7. For no show or cancellation, 100% of the rental fee will be charged with no refund.

4.8. If the vehicle is returned later than scheduled time, $200 late fee will be charged for every 2-hours past scheduled drop-off time, until vehicle is returned to drop-off location. 

4.9. Security Deposit amounts and Insurance Deductible amounts will be refunded to renter within thirty (30) business days, subject to any outstanding amounts such infringements, fines & vehicle, gear damage indicative amounts due.

5. Insurance and Accident.

5.1. The Renter and any additional drivers participates as an insured third party rider under an automobile insurance policy. In case of accident, damage, or theft, the Renter is liable for the corresponding insurance deductible. Insurance covering any theft or loss of personal belongings or personal accident insurance is NOT included.

5.1.1. Renter may upgrade insurance options and reduce the payable insurance excess at time of motorcycle rental collection. Insurance upgrade options and indicative rates can be found in-store. 

5.2. Renter agrees further to protect the interests of Company and Company’s Insurance Company in case of accident during the term of this rental by :

5.2.1. Calling Company by telephone during Company’s business hours

5.2.2. Notifying the police immediately and inform if another party’s guilt has to be ascertained, or if people are injured ;

5.2.3. Obtaining names and addresses of parties involved, and of witnesses ;

5.2.4. Not admitting liability or guilt before discussing with Company ;

5.2.5. Not abandoning said vehicle without adequate provisions for safeguarding and securing same ;

5.2.6. Not having the vehicle or optional accessories repaired without permission from the Company.

5.2.7. Further giving a detailed report including diagram by filling in the insurance claim form as provided by the Company;

5.2.8. If the motorcycle is malfunction out of Company’s business hours, call the emergency services hotline as provided.

6. Branch Pick Up & Return Service. 

6. Renter should meet the terms below for Branch Pick Up & Return service.

6.1. The Renter will return said vehicle, together with all tyres, tools, motorcycle documents, accessories and equipment, to Company station in Hong Kong on the scheduled return date and time as indicated during reservation agreement.

6.2. If Renter would like to return the vehicle earlier than scheduled return time, the return procedure must be completed within Company’s business hours.

6.3. For change of time for pick up or return after reservation, Renter must contact Company at least 2 hours in advance during office hour and Company will arrange subject to availability of manpower.

6.4. If Renter would like to return the motorcycle earlier than the scheduled return time, Renter will need to get approval from the Company.

6.5. Renter acknowledges liability for cost of all fuel consumed during rental. A full tank is provided and must be refilled at Renter’s expense on return. Otherwise there will be a surcharge of HK$200 for refilling fuel, plus the cost of the fuel at the Company stipulated cost per litre cost. 

6.6. If the vehicle as chosen by Renter at reservation becomes unexpectedly unavailable, the Company is permitted to provide a similar vehicle, which may not be the same model as reserved, as a substitute vehicle.

7. Limitations of Liability

7. Under no circumstances will the Company be liable to the Renter or additional drivers for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages including loss of profit, revenue, goodwill, business opportunity of anticipated savings, arising from or related to this Agreement.

7.1. That Renter hereby releases the Company of and from any liability for loss of or damage to any property left, stored or transported by Renter or any other person in or upon vehicle before or during the term of this rental or after return of the vehicle to Company. Renter further agrees to hold Company harmless from and to defend and indemnity Company against all claims and costs based upon or arising out of such loss or damage.

8. Additional Terms. 

8.1. There is no mileage limit for the rental vehicles provided by the company. 

9. General Terms.

9.1. Motorcycle model and color are not guarantee and is subject to availability. Further, Company reserve the right to decline, in their sole discretion, any request for a vehicle reservation Renter submit

9.2. In the event of adverse weather conditions in Hong Kong, rental service considerations & alterations will be adjusted as conditions allow: i.e., when Amber or Red Rainstorm Warning Signal or Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3 is in effect, when Black Rainstorm Warning, Typhoon Signal No. 8, or above is hoisted or expected to be hoisted, rental service may be delayed or even cancelled. Subject to weather warnings & HK government weather recommendation. 

10. Agreement.

10.1. This Agreement encompasses the entire agreement between Company and Renter and supersedes all previous understands and agreements between Company and Renter.

10.2. The company reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions periodically without prior notice, and the interpretation of the terms and conditions is at the discretion of the company. In case of any disputes, the company reserves the right to make the final decision. 

10.3. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of and subject to the sole jurisdiction of Hong Kong.

10.4. Renter understands the Terms & Conditions, Renter is executing this Agreement and is bound by it.

1. 承租人的義務。
1.1 承租人應確保所述車輛:
2. 駕駛執照及最低年齡要求。
2.1 香港居民:持有香港身份證,並持有有效的香港駕駛執照超過五年。承租人應上傳清晰且可接受的身份證和有效駕駛執照的圖片。如駕駛執照無法顯示承租人持有有效執照超過五年,則需要其他證明。駕駛者的最低年齡要求為三十歲。
2.2 海外客戶:持有有效護照。駕駛者的護照必須顯示入境香港的日期及香港入境事務處的入境標籤樣本,並持有有效的海外駕駛執照超過五年(如果海外駕駛執照不是英文,則需附上有效的國際駕駛執照)。駕駛者應提供地址證明文件。最低年齡要求為三十歲。
3. 承租人進一步確認及同意。
3.1 承租人在此確認,據其所知及所信,將駕駛該車輛的任何人均沒患有任何身體缺陷或未矯正的視力或聽力缺陷。
3.2 若承租人有以下情況,則需在取車前向公司聲明:
3.2.1 在過去五年內因任何與駕駛汽車活動相關的罪行而被定罪。
3.2.2 承租人有責任在取車時檢查該車輛是否有損傷。這包括該車輛外部的刮傷、凹痕或磨損。如果在歸還該車輛後發現3.2.3 損傷,而在取車時並未報告,則承租人將對所有損傷負責。
3.3.4 承租人應遵守本協議中的所有條款和條件。如承租人未能遵守任何條款,承租人可能無法享受公司的保險政策保障,並且承租人需要對公司因電單車租借期間發生的任何事故及所產生的任何維修費用承擔賠償責任。
4. 付款與罰款。
4.1 租金、損壞和竊盜保險的免賠額及其他雜費按本租約中所列的費率支付。
4.1.1 承租人同意提供承租人名下的信用卡,依照租貸保證金利率的規定預先授權租貸保證金。預授權交易將在到店取車時進行。
4.2 承租人不得使用該車輛從事任何非法活動,並必須遵守所有交通法規。
4.2.1 承租人須在上述租賃期間內承擔所有法律責任和交通違規。
4.2.2 一旦在上述租賃期間內收到任何交通違規通知,例如非法停車、超速、隧道快速通行和交通燈違規等,承租人應支付所有相關的違規罰款。
4.2.3 如果承租人在二十一天內未能支付任何罰款,並且公司收到警方的罰款支付通知,或公司收到要求提供駕駛人身份詳細資料的通知,則將對每張罰單收取額外港幣二百元手續費,外加原始罰金金額。
4.2.4 承租人的保證金也將暫時被扣留,直到確認交通違規已解決,相關的罰款和責任已支付。如果因承租人非法停車而被警方拖走該車輛,則承租人須承擔所有費用。
4.3 公司收取承租人根據本協議應付款項而產生的費用,包括法律允許下的合理律師費用;
4.3.1 公司用於修理該車輛碰撞或翻覆損壞的費用,前提是如果該車輛依據本協議的所有條款進行操作,則承租人對此類損壞的責任不應超過該車輛的免賠額。
4.4 承租人接收該車輛時確認其狀況良好,並承認對於租賃期間所消耗的所有燃油費用負責。承租人將獲提供滿箱燃油,並必須在歸還時自費重新加滿。否則將按公司規定的每公升油價向承租人收取費用,外加港幣二百元的加油手續費。
4.5 承租人依照公司要求提供信用卡資料並簽署授權表,授權公司從承租人的信用卡扣留相應租賃車輛的保證金和保險免賠額。
4.6 如果公司在取車時發現承租人不符合本條款與條件第 2 條規定的電單車租賃要求,則將沒收承租人已透過信用卡支付的全部租金。
4.7 如未出現或取消預訂,將全額收取租金,且不予退款。
4.8 如果車輛超過預定時間歸還,每延遲兩小時將收取港幣二百元逾期費用,直到將車輛歸還至指定地點為止。
4.9 保證金金額和保險免賠額將在三十個工作天內退還給承租人,但需扣除任何未結清的費用,例如罰款、罰金以及車輛和設備損壞的相關費用。
5. 保險和意外事故。
5.1 承租人及任何其他駕駛者均視為汽車保險計劃下的受保人。該保險計劃對於第三方的死亡或人身傷害的法律責任最高保障金額為港幣一億元,而對於第三方財產損壞的法律責任最高保障金額為港幣五十萬元。在發生事故、損壞或盜竊的情況下,承租人需負責相應的保險免賠額。保險不包括任何個人財物的盜竊或損失保障,亦不包括人身意外保險。
5.2 承租人進一步同意,在租賃期間發生事故時,透過以下方式保護公司和公司保險的利益:
5.2.1 在公司營業時間內致電公司;
5.2.2 立即通知警方,並告知是否需要查明另一方的過錯,或是否有人受傷;
5.2.3 取得涉事各方及證人的姓名和地址;
5.2.4 在與公司討論之前,不承認責任或過錯;
5.2.5 在沒有妥善保障和保護措施的情況下,不得拋棄該車輛;
5.2.6 未經公司許可,不得對該車輛或選配附件進行維修;
5.2.7 進一步提供詳細報告,包括填寫公司提供的保險索賠表格及附上圖示;
5.2.8 如果電單車在公司營業時間以外故障,請撥打提供的緊急服務熱線。
6. 分公司取車及還車服務。
6.1 承租人將於預訂協議中指明的還車日期和時間,將所租賃的車輛及所有輪胎、工具、電單車文件、配件和設備,歸還至香港的公司。
6.2 如果承租人希望比預定還車時間提前還車,則必須在公司的營業時間內完成還車程序。
6.3 如需變更取車或還車時間,承租人必須在辦公時間內提前至少兩小時聯繫公司,公司將根據人手情況安排。
6.4 如果承租人希望比預定還車時間提前還車,則需要獲得公司的批准。
6.5 承租人承認對於租賃期間所消耗的所有燃油費用負責。承租人將獲提供半箱或滿箱油,並必須在歸還時自費重新加滿。否則將按公司規定的每公升油價向承租人收取費用,外加港幣二百元的加油手續費。
6.6 如果承租人在預訂時選擇的車輛意外無法提供,公司有權提供一輛類似的車輛作為替代,這可能不是所預訂的相同型號。
7. 責任限制
7.1 在任何情況下,公司對承租人或附加駕駛人不承擔任何間接、附帶、特殊或衍生損害的責任,包括因本協議而產生或相關的利潤、收入、商譽、商機或預期節省的損失。
7.2 承租人特此免除公司對承租人或任何其他人在租賃期間,或將車輛歸還給公司之後,留在車輛內或車輛上的任何財產的損失或損壞承擔的責任。承租人進一步同意使公司免受責任,並為公司辯護及賠償因該損失或損壞而基於或引起的所有索賠和費用。
8. 附加條款。
8.1 公司提供的租賃車輛沒有里程限制。
9. 一般條款。
9.1 電單車型號和顏色無法保證,需視供應情況而定。此外,本公司保留自行決定拒絕承租人提交的任何車輛預訂請求的權利。
9.2 若香港天氣惡劣,租貸服務將根據情況進行考慮和調整:即黃色或紅色暴雨警告信號,或一號或三號颱風信號生效時、黑色暴雨警告信號生效時、八號或以上颱風信號懸掛或預期會懸掛該信號時,租賃服務可能會延遲甚至取消。這將根據天氣警告及香港政府的天氣建議而定。
10. 協議。
10.1 本協議涵蓋公司與承租人之間的全部協議,並取代公司與承租人之間以前的所有理解和協議。
10.2 本公司保留定期修改條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知,本條款及細則的解釋權歸本公司所有。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
10.3 本協議的條款和條件受香港法律管轄,並需遵循香港的專屬管轄權。
10.4 承租人明白條款和條件,並在簽署本協議後受到其約束。









  1. 承租人的義務。
  2. 承租人應確保所述車輛:


2. 駕駛執照及最低年齡要求。


2. 1 海外客戶:持有有效護照。駕駛者的護照必須顯示入境香港的日期及香港入境事務處的入境標籤樣本,並持有有效的海外駕駛執照超過五年(如果海外駕駛執照不是英文,則需附上有效的國際駕駛執照)。駕駛者應提供地址證明文件。最低年齡要求為三十歲。

2. 2 承租人進一步確認及同意。

    1. 承租人在此確認,據其所知及所信,將駕駛該車輛的任何人均沒患有任何身體缺陷或未矯正的視力或聽力缺陷。

    1. 若承租人有以下情況,則需在取車前向公司聲明:
        1. 在過去五年內因任何與駕駛汽車活動相關的罪行而被定罪。

        1. 承租人有責任在取車時檢查該車輛是否有損傷。這包括該車輛外部的刮傷、凹痕或磨損。如果在歸還該車輛後發現損傷,而在取車時並未報告,則承租人將對所有損傷負責。

        1. 承租人應遵守本協議中的所有條款和條件。如承租人未能遵守任何條款,承租人可能無法享受公司的保險政策保障,並且承租人需要對公司因電單車租借期間發生的任何事故及所產生的任何維修費用承擔賠償責任。

    1. 付款與罰款。
        1. 租金、損壞和竊盜保險的免賠額及其他雜費按本租約中所列的費率支付。

        1. 承租人不得使用該車輛從事任何非法活動,並必須遵守所有交通法規。
            1. 承租人須在上述租賃期間內承擔所有法律責任和交通違規。

            1. 一旦在上述租賃期間內收到任何交通違規通知,例如非法停車、超速、隧道快速通行和交通燈違規等,承租人應支付所有相關的違規罰款。

            1. 如果承租人在二十一天內未能支付任何罰款,並且公司收到警方的罰款支付通知,或公司收到要求提供駕駛人身份詳細資料的通知,則將對每張罰單收取額外港幣二百元手續費,外加原始罰金金額。

            1. 承租人的保證金也將暫時被扣留,直到確認交通違規已解決,相關的罰款和責任已支付。如果因承租人非法停車而被警方拖走該車輛,則承租人須承擔所有費用。

        1. 公司收取承租人根據本協議應付款項而產生的費用,包括法律允許下的合理律師費用;
            1. 公司用於修理該車輛碰撞或翻覆損壞的費用,前提是如果該車輛依據本協議的所有條款進行操作,則承租人對此類損壞的責任不應超過該車輛的免賠額。

        1. 承租人接收該車輛時確認其狀況良好,並承認對於租賃期間所消耗的所有燃油費用負責。承租人將獲提供半箱或滿箱油,並必須在歸還時自費重新加滿。否則將按公司規定的每公升油價向承租人收取費用,外加港幣二百元的加油手續費。

        1. 承租人依照公司要求提供信用卡資料並簽署授權表,授權公司從承租人的信用卡扣留相應租賃車輛的保證金和保險免賠額。

        1. 如果公司在取車時發現承租人不符合本條款與條件第 2 條規定的電單車租賃要求,則將沒收承租人已透過信用卡支付的全部租金。

        1. 如未出現或取消預訂,將全額收取租金,且不予退款。

        1. 如果車輛超過預定時間歸還,每延遲兩小時將收取港幣二百元逾期費用,直到將車輛歸還至指定地點為止。

        1. 保證金金額和保險免賠額將在三十個工作天內退還給承租人,但需扣除任何未結清的費用,例如罰款、罰金以及車輛和設備損壞的相關費用。

    1. 保險和意外事故。
        1. 承租人及任何其他駕駛者均視為汽車保險計劃下的受保人。該保險計劃對於第三方的死亡或人身傷害的法律責任最高保障金額為港幣一億元,而對於第三方財產損壞的法律責任最高保障金額為港幣五十萬元。在發生事故、損壞或盜竊的情況下,承租人需負責相應的保險免賠額。保險不包括任何個人財物的盜竊或損失保障,亦不包括人身意外保險。

        1. 承租人進一步同意,在租賃期間發生事故時,透過以下方式保護公司和公司保險的利益:
            1. 在公司營業時間內致電公司;

            1. 立即通知警方,並告知是否需要查明另一方的過錯,或是否有人受傷;

            1. 取得涉事各方及證人的姓名和地址;

            1. 在與公司討論之前,不承認責任或過錯;

            1. 在沒有妥善保障和保護措施的情況下,不得拋棄該車輛;

            1. 未經公司許可,不得對該車輛或選配附件進行維修;

            1. 進一步提供詳細報告,包括填寫公司提供的保險索賠表格及附上圖示;

            1. 如果電單車在公司營業時間以外故障,請撥打提供的緊急服務熱線。

    1. 分公司取車及還車服務。


    1. 承租人將於預訂協議中指明的還車日期和時間,將所租賃的車輛及所有輪胎、工具、電單車文件、配件和設備,歸還至香港的公司。

    1. 如果承租人希望比預定還車時間提前還車,則必須在公司的營業時間內完成還車程序。

    1. 如需變更取車或還車時間,承租人必須在辦公時間內提前至少兩小時聯繫公司,公司將根據人手情況安排。

    1. 如果承租人希望比預定還車時間提前還車,則需要獲得公司的批准。

    1. 承租人承認對於租賃期間所消耗的所有燃油費用負責。承租人將獲提供滿箱燃油,並必須在歸還時自費重新加滿。否則將按公司規定的每公升油價向承租人收取費用,外加港幣二百元的加油手續費。

    1. 如果承租人在預訂時選擇的車輛意外無法提供,公司有權提供一輛類似的車輛作為替代,這可能不是所預訂的相同型號。

    1. 責任限制
        1. 在任何情況下,公司對承租人或附加駕駛人不承擔任何間接、附帶、特殊或衍生損害的責任,包括因本協議而產生或相關的利潤、收入、商譽、商機或預期節省的損失。

        1. 承租人特此免除公司對承租人或任何其他人在租賃期間,或將車輛歸還給公司之後,留在車輛內或車輛上的任何財產的損失或損壞承擔的責任。承租人進一步同意使公司免受責任,並為公司辯護及賠償因該損失或損壞而基於或引起的所有索賠和費用。

    1. 附加條款。
        1. 公司提供的租賃車輛沒有里程限制。

    1. 一般條款。
        1. 電單車型號和顏色無法保證,需視供應情況而定。此外,本公司保留自行決定拒絕承租人提交的任何車輛預訂請求的權利。

        1. 若香港天氣惡劣,租賃服務將根據情況進行考慮和調整:即黃色或紅色暴雨警告信號,或一號或三號颱風信號生效時、黑色暴雨警告信號生效時、八號或以上颱風信號懸掛或預期會懸掛該信號時,租賃服務可能會延遲甚至取消。這將根據天氣警告及香港政府的天氣建議而定。

      1. 協議。
      2. 本協議涵蓋公司與承租人之間的全部協議,並取代公司與承租人之間以前的所有理解和協議。

      1. 本公司保留定期修改條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知,本條款及細則的解釋權歸本公司所有。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。

      1. 本協議的條款和條件受香港法律管轄,並需遵循香港的專屬管轄權。

      1. 承租人明白條款和條件,並在簽署本協議後受到其約束。



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